Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekly Report & Reflection #5

This week, I found our topic to be especially exciting because we had to work with Twitter!

Twitter is a social media that I have brought up in my blogs before this week, so I was excited that I would be expanding my PLE with an educational twitter account. As I have mentioned previously, I really enjoy Twitter because it allows you to filter using hashtags and follow people or accounts that interest you. It is very similar to my Feedly in that way, as I could also decide to put notifications on certain accounts in case I do not want to miss any of their tweets. 

As I mentioned before, I had a Twitter account prior to this class, which I used mostly for entertainment purposes. If you look back at my week 2 for my PLE, I had connected Twitter to two of my main categories of Communication and Connection via Social Media. However, with the inclusion of my educational account, Twitter may also fit below Education. As I do not think I will be able to connect Twitter to three different components in my PLE, I will distinguish between my main and educational account as they serve two different purposes.

Before this class, I had never though of Twitter as an educational tool because that is never how I used it in the past. On my main account, I use Twitter to interact with my friends and tell jokes about my life and the people around me. It had never occurred to me that Twitter could have an educational side, which I realize now, was not correct to assume. Looking at the features on Twitter, I could see how it is a great educational platform and how it has been used like that in the past for movements such as #BlackLivesMatter. By implementing a maximum 140 characters count, it allows for people to be concise and get to the point of the issue at hand. It also allows for you to constantly be updated about issues surrounding you, where you can easily check your phone.

As always, I have "mastered" one more media site, allowing me to become more tech savvy and add to my PLE. I cannot wait for next week!

Until next time!


  1. Hi Nicole,

    You note "As I mentioned before, I had a Twitter account prior to this class, which I used mostly for entertainment purpose."

    I think this is common. Often digital tools are used for entertainment, but they can have a positive impact when used in the classroom as well. I think as time passes they will be more common. In some of my face-to-face classes I use twitter for students to ask questions. I found this to be a positive change as people ask questions in a timely manner and get to use a technology they are familiar and comfortable with.


  2. Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences with Twitter! Just like you, I had a Twitter account before this class but I never really used that much and rarely tweeted anything. Therefore, I did not consider it to be a part of my personal learning environment until I started using it more often in this course! I too have placed the Twitter tool into the connect and collaborate sections of my PLE since I can discuss topics with my followers and find people to expand my personal learning network.

