Sunday, January 24, 2016

Blog Post 3: RSS Feeds

Hello Again!

After utilizing the RSS Feed throughout the week, I found that it was quite interesting, but I also did not like that I had to address all of the articles that I had missed. One of my favourite parts of the RSS Feed is having CP24 News on my RSS Feed. I like to stay updated on what is happening locally in Canada and found that by implementing CP24 into my feed, I was able to stay connected. Also, as I previously discussed, Brock News was very helpful in allowing me to see what is happening on campus. I felt that both of these sources helped my learning not in a conventional setting as a student, but to educate me on what is happening around me. I think it is extremely important to know what other students are thinking and what Brock is planning on doing, as well as being informed of what Canada is doing politically or main issues that can be talked about in class.

I think it is obvious that RSS Feeds contribute greatly to building knowledge about digital literacy, responsibility and citizenship. As I have already discussed, both the sites mentioned above keep me in touch with my surroundings through a digital context. Without RSS Feeds, I would miss a lot of what is being offered by the web. I feel that RSS Feeds allow you to take responsibility for yourself to ensure that you stay educated and continue to learn about important factors that affect your life. By implementing a digital tool, you are also becoming more tech savvy and can improve your digital footprint (or at least be more aware of it, through a RSS Feed). In regards to citizenship, it makes you an active user of the internet and for your country, if you are looking into the right channels and becoming more educated about your country.

Most of the tools that I have set up in my RSS Feed would fall underneath Connection Via Social Media or Education in my PLE. I find that both Brock News and CP24 would both be categorized underneath Education, but could also fall under Connection. This also relates to the Blog posts that I follow, as I am becoming educated by what they are saying and they deal with the education system- but, I am still being connected to these people via media. However, I think that sites that fall under multiple categories in a PLE are more valuable because they can benefit you in more ways than something that falls under only one category.

I will continue to add to my RSS feed to improve my digital knowledge and expand my PLE. Talk to you next week!

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