Sunday, January 17, 2016

Blog Post 2: Personal Learning Environments

Hello Again!

For this post, I wanted to talk about a variety of subjects including Personal Learning Environments (PLE). Until today, I had never heard of PLE's, so as to be expected, I did not know what it was. Digital Study Skills describes Personal Learning Environments as your own digital toolbox, showcasing how you organize, communicate and generate content online. They are created by you and for you, which each PLE unique to each person. I did not think much of creating one myself, but as I was undergoing the task, I found that it made me realize how much I do rely on technology. I find that PLE's are extremely helpful for people to not only be aware of the technology that they are using, but how they could increase productivity in certain departments.
Moretti, N. (CC) 2016.
By looking at my PLE above, I noticed that my organization did not have as many bubbles stemming from it, as my other categories. As I continued to think about this, I also realized that I am often not an organized person and could benefit from implementing more tools that would help me stay organized. As I have stated in my introductory post, I am striving on becoming a teacher for primary/junior children, so hopefully that is where I will be in 5-10 years. However, as I am quite disorganized, becoming organized is something I wish to change and have resolved for this time. I also want my PLE to change to include the school board I will be working for (with a new email) and the new sources I will be utilizing as a teacher.

I am aware that the job market for teachers right now is less than ideal, so I am aware that my location may change. However, I know that I will need to be somewhere with great internet connection, quiet for when I need to study (as I still have two and a half years of school if I include teacher's college) and an area where I can be social. As communication is a very important factor of everyday life, I feel it is something that can be constantly improved and can be by your environment. I find that social media such as Twitter and Facebook actually stimulate me and allow me to communicate long distance. Another habit I must acquire is punctuality and not procrastinating with everything! This however can be helped with calendars and setting timers earlier than necessary to ensure I am aware of when I need to leave.

Moretti, N. (CC) 2016.
After creating my word cloud, I found that I was very proud of myself. I felt that the words that I could easily pick out of the hand print directly related to what I wanted to get across from last weeks post. I also enjoyed using Tagul's tool because I find it is a different way to get a message across creatively to a lot of different people!

For the future, I will definitely be utilizing Tagul and I think you should try experimenting with it too! It's creative and is not hard to do at all! 

Until next time!

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